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Web client library

The @tairu/web-client library is a TypeScript library designed to be used in Web browsers.


The Web client library can be installed from npm or imported as a UMD module from unpkg or a similar platform.

Package setup

Use your package manager to install the library:

npm install @tairu/web-client

The Web client instance can then be created as follows:

import { WebClient } from '@tairu/web-client'
const Tairu = new WebClient()

UMD import

The library can be imported directly in a HTML page using a script tag:

<script src=""></script>

When importing as a UMD module, the library will be available as the Tairu global variable and can be used in a <script> tag following the import, for example:

const tile = Tairu.tile("http://localhost:3210", document.getElementById('app'))


Tile proxy

The main Web client APIs return a TileProxy instance representing a specific Tile by its URI and DOM element where it is rendered.

It contains methods to load and render the Tile, or simply add support for interactions for pre-rendered Tiles.

Loading a Tile to an empty container

Tiles can be dynamically loaded to any DOM element present in the page:

<div id="my-first-tile"></div>
// Create a TileProxy instance for the container
const tile = Tairu.tile("http://localhost:3210", document.getElementById('my-first-tile'));
// Load and display the Tile
tile.load().then(() => {
console.log("Tile loaded");
}, () => {
console.error("Failed to load tile");

Loading a Tile from a placeholder

HTML data attributes can be set on DOM elements to provide metadata necessary to load Tiles:

<div id="my-first-tile" data-tile="http://localhost:3210" data-tile-version="0.1"></div>
// Create a TileProxy instance for the placeholder element providing the Tile URI
const tile = Tairu.fromPlaceholder(document.getElementById('my-first-tile'));
// Load and display the Tile
tile.load().then(() => {
console.log("Tile loaded");
}, () => {
console.error("Failed to load tile");

Adding interactions to a pre-rendered Tile

Tile contents can be pre-rendered by a server or build process. In this case, the Web client only needs to render and handle interactive elements, based on the data elements present in the DOM element:

<div id="my-first-tile" data-tile="http://localhost:3210" data-tile-version="0.1" data-tile-interactive="{...}"></div>
// Create a TileProxy instance from the pre-rendered DOM element, this will add the interactive elements specified in the data attributes, if any
const tile = Tairu.fromPrerendered(document.getElementById('my-first-tile'));