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Quick start



Node.js v20 or higher and a package manager such as npm (included in Node.js) are required to install and use the Tairu framework.

Handler package

First, let's install the handler package to create Tiles server-side.

npm install @tairu/handler

Your first Tile

Creating the handler

Let's create a file named handler.jsx (or handler.tsx if you want to use TypeScript), with the following contents:

import { handle } from '@tairu/handler'

function myFirstTileHandler() {
return {
type: "Tile",
version: "0.1",
props: {
title: "Demo tile",
children: [
{ type: "Text", props: { children: ["Hello Tairu!"] } }

export default handle(myFirstTileHandler)

Here, the myFirstTileHandler() function at line 3 returns an object matching the Tile protocol and the default export of the module (line 16) wraps the handler function in the handle() call to run the Tairu server logic.

Running the server

The simplest way to run a Tile server is to use the Tairu CLI:

npx tairu serve handler.jsx

Displaying the Tile

The Tile can be displayed in any Web browser simply by accessing its URL, http://localhost:3210 by default when using the Tairu CLI, try it out!

The Tairu CLI can also be used to render simple (text) Tiles in a terminal, for example we can render our first Tile:

npx tairu open http://localhost:3210

Improving the Tile

Using JSX

Tairu uses React internally, so JSX can be used to define Tiles instead of JSON. Our handler.jsx file can be rewritten as:

import { Text, Tile, handle } from '@tairu/handler'

function myFirstTileHandler() {
return (
<Tile title="Demo tile">
<Text>Hello Tairu!</Text>

export default handle(myFirstTileHandler)

Here, we import the Text and Tile components from the @tairu/handler package and use them to rewrite our Tile using JSX.


Tairu is not a React framework, it only uses the JSX syntax for convenience. Only the components exported by the @tairu/handler package can be used in Tile handlers.

Adding interactions

Let's add a text input to our Tile so that we can change the text with the input value:

import { SubmitAction, Text, TextInput, Tile, handle } from '@tairu/handler'

function myFirstTileHandler(request) {
return (
input={<TextInput label="What is your name?" />}
actions={<SubmitAction label="Send" />}
title="Demo tile">
<Text>Hello {request.action?.value ?? 'stranger'}!</Text>

export default handle(myFirstTileHandler)

Here, we add a TextInput element (line 6) to our Tile and a SubmitAction element (line 7) to submit the input value to the handler.

Using the request argument provided to our handler (line 3), we can display the submitted action value or a fallback value (line 9).